Inside The Fortress

The Fortress

Written by: By Nancy Bresette

Psalm 9: 9,10 NRSV

The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know Your name put their trust in You, for You, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You.

It provides a great sense of calm to know that God is our fortress in times of trouble and that nothing will ever make Him forsake us. Our trust is never misplaced.

In addition, think of all our fellow Christians inside the walls of that same fortress, drawing strength not only from God, but from each other.  Knowing others share your faith, and are praying for you, as you pray for them, adds meaning to life. Whenever I hear the words, “I’ll remember you in my prayers”, I get a lump in my throat. To me, that is true friendship and Christian love.

A neighbor who was a self-proclaimed atheist once told me that only weak people need God as a crutch and she was too strong for that.  I told her I never think of God as a crutch, but rather as a suit of armor, worn every day to protect and strengthen all who believe in Him. It was a conversation we had on more than one occasion, and I was never able to change her mind or her heart.

The wonderful thing about God’s fortress is it is large enough to hold all who wish to enter. The only thing necessary is to knock and the door will be opened. We need not be rich, wise, powerful, or beautiful. The only requirement is to believe that Jesus died for our sins.

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Tuesday – Friday 8:00am-12:00pm.


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Wednesday: 6:30 PM

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